Thomas Kahn neuer Geschäftsführer im Congress Centrum Alpbach

Das Congress Centrum Alpbach (CCA) steht unter neuer Führung: Kürzlich übernahm Thomas Kahn die Position des Geschäftsführers. Er setzte sich damit nach mehrmonatiger interimistischer Ausübung dieser Position im offenen Bewerbungsprozess durch. Die Neubesetzung erfolgte nach dem tragischen Bergunglück seines Vorgängers Georg Hechenblaikner, der das CCA zuvor rund 18 Jahre sehr erfolgreich geführt hatte. Die Leitung des CCA ist für den 35-jährigen nun eine „spannende Herausforderung und Herzensangelegenheit“.

Thomas Kahn neuer Geschäftsführer im Congress Centrum Alpbach

Thomas Kahn has been working at the Congress Centrum Alpbach for more than seven years now, initially as a project manager and sales representative. Most recently, as an authorized signatory and Head of Sales, he was responsible for various business areas, including the cooperation with the European Forum Alpbach, which takes place in Alpbach every August with several thousand participants.

“I came to Alpbach as a customer with an event in 2013 and was immediately impressed. The unique mountain village, the professional service and the sustainable concept make the conference destination Alpbach something special,” says Kahn, who is enthusiastic about the company's positioning and is determined to continue on the path he has chosen. Together with the strong CCA team, he sees his task in the responsible further development of the company and the Alpbachtal region as a sustainable conference destination with a special service orientation for organizers and participants. Close cooperation with landlords and other partners in the region also plays an important role in this. “The CCA's sustainability strategy is now an integral part of our corporate philosophy and more and more customers and partners are resolutely following this path. Only together can we be successful and generate added value for the region,” says Thomas Kahn, looking forward to the tasks ahead.

Times are also very challenging in the event sector. Nevertheless, Thomas Kahn is positive about the future: “We have seen in recent months that there is a great need for analog meetings. Even if content can be communicated digitally, personal discussions outside of the agenda are what make an event. With the appropriate safety concepts around the pandemic, we at the Congress Centrum Alpbach offer a diverse product portfolio for conferences and congresses through to hybrid events.”


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