Congress Centrum Alpbach
Information as if E-Commerce-law § 5
Responsible for the content
Alpbach Tourismus GmbH
c/o Congress Centrum Alpbach
Alpbach 246
6236 Alpbach
Tel: +43 5336 600 100
Fax: +43 5336 600 200
Company register number: FN35984v | Landesgericht Innsbruck
Supervisory authority: Bezirkshauptmannschaft Kufstein
UID: ATU 32385004
Managing Director: Thomas Kahn
Authorised officer: Mag. (FH) Ingrid Walder
Object of the company
Operator of the Congress Centre Alpbach and the incoming travel agency
The shareholders
Gemeinde Alpbach
Alpbacher Bergbahnen GmbH & Co. KG
Tourismusverband Alpbachtal & Tiroler Seenland
Member of the Wirtschaftskammer Österreich, Wirtschaftskammer Tirol, Sparte Tourismus- und Freizeitwirtschaft – Fachgruppe Reisebüros
Job title: Travel agency business
Our authorisation was granted to us in Austria.
General terms and conditions Alpbach Tourismus GmbH / Congress Centrum Alpbach: ref
General terms and conditions of travel Alpbach Tourismus GmbH for the procurement of individual travel services: ref
We are subject to the following legal provisions::
Industrial Code 1994, in particular § 94 Z 56 and § 126: ref
Ausübungsvorschriften für das Reisebürogewerbe: ref
Rules of conduct for the travel agency industry: ref
Travel Agency Insurance Ordinance: ref
Consumer Protection Act, in particular §§ 31b to 31f: ref
Fotocredit: Congress Centrum Alpbach, Matthias Sedlak, Hannes Senfter, Norbert Freudenthaler, Tourismusverband Alpbachtal Seenland, Europäisches Forum Alpbach (Philipp Naderer, Luiza Puiu, Maria Noisternig)
All information has been compiled with the greatest possible care, but no guarantee can be given for content and accuracy. Alpbach Tourismus GmbH / Congress Centrum Alpbach accepts no responsibility for the content of websites accessible via links.
Furthermore, we reserve the right to change content at any time without prior notice.
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valantic CX Austria GmbH
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A-5020 Salzburg, Austria