Sir Karl Popper hall

Cinema seating
Classroom seating
Sir Karl Popper hall

Key features

  • Daylight (can be darkened)
  • Parquet flooring
  • Flipchart
  • Pinboard
  • Screen
  • Initial seating setup included
  • Flexible additional technology based on the latest standards, tailored to customer requirements
Room variety at a glance

Key facts

The Sir Karl Popper hall is one of the 5 flexible halls on Level 1 East of the Congress Centrum Alpbach and can be used multifunctionally.

  • L: 10.8 m W: 7.4-8.6 m H: 3.1 m
  • Total area: 82 m²
Space for your event

Seating options

Seating Max. number of guests

Name origin

Sir Karl Raimund Popper (1902 - 1994)

The Austrian-born philosopher who taught in England is regarded as the founder and leading representative of Critical Rationalism. In critical engagement with the logical positivism of the Vienna Circle, he developed a general theory of science and methodology. In addition to this "Logic of Scientific Discovery," he formulated the political philosophy of the "Open Society" in the 1940s as a defense of freedom against totalitarian regimes. The intellectual influence he exerted on the "European Forum Alpbach," especially in its first 15 years, cannot be overstated.

Versatile functionality


Size L* B* H*
Liechtenstein hall 119 m² 115 60 11,9 10 3,1
August Friedrich von Hayek hall 97 m² 100 50 9,7 10 3,1
Liechtenstein & von Hayek hall 216 m² 200 100 21,6 10 3,1
Arthur Koestler hall 58 m² 52 30 6,4 9 3,1
Gottfried von Einem hall 73 m² 70 34 8,1 9 3,1
Koestler & von Einem hall 131 m² 120 60 14,5 9 3,1
Sir Karl Popper hall 82 m² 80 38 11,3 7,3 3,1
Art Foyer 345 m² 0 0
Size L* B* H*
Elisabeth Herz-Kremenak hall 393 m² 450 300 16,8 23,4 5,7-7,0
Paul Flora hall 92 m² 90 60 11,8 7,9 4
Klaus Peter Heiss hall 91 m² 90 60 11,8 7,8 4
Iginio Rogger hall 96 m² 90 60 11,8 8,2 4
All halls of Level 1 West connected 672 m² 850 500 28,8 23,8 4-7
Europa Foyer 531 m² 0 0
Size L* B* H*
Erwin Schrödinger hall 416 m² 500 315 23,8 17,5 5,5-7,0
Otto Molden Foyer 395 m² 0 0
*in metres
Size 393 m²
Cinema seating 420
Classroom seating 300
Gala seating 275
  • Ideal conditions for conferences, meetings, corporate events, and exhibitions
  • 3D room acoustics
  • Panorama triple projection
Size 92 m²
Cinema seating 90
Classroom seating 63
Semicircle 28
  • Ideal conditions for meetings or workshops
  • Daylight with a view of the foyer and outdoor area
  • Highest technical standards
Size 91 m²
Cinema seating 90
Classroom seating 63
U-shape 30
  • Ideal conditions for meetings or workshops
  • Daylight with a view of the foyer and outdoor area
  • Highest technical standards
Size 96 m²
Cinema seating 90
Classroom seating 63
U-shape 30
  • Ideal conditions for meetings or workshops
  • Daylight with a view of the foyer and outdoor area
  • Highest technical standards
© Senfter
Size 672 m²
Cinema seating 850
Classroom seating 530
Gala seating 462
  • Ideal conditions for large conferences, gala evenings, corporate events, or exhibitions
  • Triple panorama projection
  • Variable 3D acoustics
  • Daylight
Size 531 m²
  • Foyer area ideal for receptions, as a lounge, or additional exhibition space
  • Large glass front with a view of the Alpbach mountain landscape
  • Entrance area for registration and cloakroom
Size 119 m²
Cinema seating 120
Classroom seating 60
U-shape 36
  • Direct access to the Art Foyer with a light cone
  • State-of-the-art technology
  • Can be combined with the Hayek hall for multifunctional use
Size 97 m²
Cinema seating 100
Classroom seating 50
U-shape 32
  • can be combined with the Liechtenstein Hall for multifunctional use
  • direct access to the Art Foyer with a light cone
  • state-of-the-art technology
Size 216 m²
Cinema seating 212
Classroom seating 100
U-shape 60
  • Direct access to the Art Foyer with a light cone via 2 entrances and exits
  • State-of-the-art technology
Size 58 m²
Cinema seating 52
Classroom seating 30
U-shape 20
  • Direct access to the Art Foyer with a light cone
  • State-of-the-art technology
  • Can be combined with the Von Einem hall for multifunctional use
Size 73 m²
Cinema seating 70
Classroom seating 42
U-shape 24
  • Can be combined with the Köstler hall for multifunctional use
  • Direct access to the Art Foyer with a light cone
  • State-of-the-art technology
Size 131 m²
  • Direct access to the Art Foyer with a light cone
  • 2 entrances and exits
Size 82 m²
Cinema seating 80
Classroom seating 40
  • Window front with a view of the forecourt
  • Direct access to the Art Foyer with a light cone
  • State-of-the-art technology
Size 345 m²
  • Direct access to the halls on Level 1 East
  • Direct access to the halls on Level 1 West
  • The light cone can be used as a "branding area"
Size 416 m²
Cinema seating 500
Classroom seating 315
  • Ideal conditions for conferences, meetings, corporate events, and exhibitions
  • Daylight
  • Integrated clay wall ensures a pleasant room climate
  • Direct access to the Otto Molden Foyer and the sun terrace
Size 395 m²
  • Direct access to the Schrödinger hall and the sun terrace
  • Individual staging with ambient lighting possible
  • Bar and bistro area